
Second Time Around

Hey y’all. I know, I know. It’s been a long time. I shouldn’ta left you (without a dope beat to step to). Actually Kelz was the dope beat so hopefully you caught what she put out. So to explain my absence, I had a baby! A whole baby. Our daughter was born early January and…

Dance without Fear

I will hold a candle for my siblings til there is no longer need.Til we are not killed for just being ourselves;Til we are not pushed to the edges of society wondering if it is better to jump;Til we can dance without fear. I will hold space for my siblings as the rest of the…

No, I didn’t meet my step goal!

Partnering with Fitbit, Weight Watchers and the like, our insurance companies are trying to help ‘prevent’ disease by requiring us to take more steps or go to meetings. They are trying to say they are “doing something” rather than actually finding an evidence based practice and giving options that work and can be accessed by…

The Gift and Curse of the Empath- a poem by Kelz

I feel like I am swallowing my empathy… it’s sitting in the pit of my stomach, making me sick… if I don’t answer it’s call. The tendrils of their emotions reach from them to me… without a word from their mouth- I know what they’re feeling… I feel what they are feeling. My tendrils entwine…

The Sorting Board: Financial Literacy for a 5 year old

Just made B a sorting board for her money and wanted to share with y’all because I’m kinda feelin myself 😉 A proud momma moment! Financial literacy isn’t something everyone has or is taught growing up. And the longer we wait to instill good money understanding and habits, the harder it is to apply them.…

The Kids Ain’t Alright: A Rant

Confession: I like my kid more than other people’s kids. And as a doctor who only sees children, that feels like a controversial thing to say. But it’s true. All of the thousands of children I’ve cared for over the years and no one quite compares to my own son. He’s not perfect but I…

July Shout Out: Queer Like Salvation

Queer Like Salvation karen wangare leonard queer like salvation.queer like if god asked me to build an ark i’d ask them if heaven was big enough for whole humans & if not, to hell with us all.let the flood come.let it be a deluge.let the covenant still be a rainbow. let queer be the only…

Long Distance Best Friends

K: How many of yall have a bestie?!?  I do!!!  I love my bestie and would do anything for her!  Ok… didn’t know I’d be tearing up on line 2!  But for real, for real… I miss my bestie!  Jess and I are in a long distance best friend relationship and it can be tough…

My experience at an anti-abortion rally

Yes this is Jess. Yes Jess is Black. Yes there are plenty of Black people who are celebrating the overturning of Roe v. Wade for all kinds of reasons. There’s rhetoric around how abortion is/was used to control the Black population and slowly make us extinct. There are the uber religious among us who feel…


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